Road Surface Management System (RSMS)

CVRPC with assistance from Consultant Robert Turner, has completed Phase I of an update to the RSMS for the towns of Berlin, Northfield, and Plainfield. In performing an RSMS, we go out with town staff, and inventory the roads characteristics and condition. In Phase II, we will be working with the Town’s to customize the RSMS to organize, analyze, and prioritize improvement strategies for both paved and gravel roads. Our goal is to develop a multi-year improvement program. The results of the system will allow town officials to compare strategies and select a road improvement that will yield the longest extended life and be most cost effective. Another benefit is that a number of VTrans Town Highway Grant Programs will reduce your local match requirement by 10% if you have a road & culvert inventory, and adopted road/culvert/bridge standards. CVRPC also has the ability to map the RSMS data, which allows the information to be reviewed quickly, and can be very helpful for public presentations. If you would like more information, contact staff.
