EMD Roundtable – August 11th @ 5:00 pm (In Person & via Zoom)

CVRPC is hosting a virtual/in-person Emergency Management Director (EMD) roundtable on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm.
Meeting access information:
·      Physical location: Central VT Chamber of Commerce Conference Room, 963 Paine Turnpike North, Berlin (Facial coverings are required for in-person participation)
·      Remote participation via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85786978673?pwd=VFgrRGJRay9Nc25yUGViUjgxZStCdz09
·      Dial in: 301 715 8592; Access code 857 8697 8673; Passcode: 880643
·      VT Alert presentation/ training needs discussion
·      CVRPC Assistance Available
·      Open Q&A/Discussion: EMD support needed
·      VEM Updates
Please reach out to vinson@cvregion.com if you have specific topics related to the agenda items you’d like to address at the roundtable.  
