SAVE THE DATE: Transportation and Climate Initiative – September 6th

The State of Vermont has been working with 11 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states and the District of Columbia on a regional approach to reducing GHG emissions from the transportation sector through a cap and invest program.  That work, known as the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI), began in 2010, but the effort to design a policy proposal for a cap and invest program really kicked off in December 2018 with this statement.  The jurisdictions have been working over the past eight months to define what a program might look like and engage with stakeholders on the costs and benefits of such an approach.


A cap and invest program creates an overall emissions cap and then auctions off “allowances” to emit carbon dioxide.  The proceeds of those auctions are then divided amongst the states to invest in programs to decrease GHG emissions from the transportation sector, to help address equity concerns, and to make our transportation infrastructure more resilient.  We anticipate between $20-75 million in new revenue being available to Vermont on an annual basis.  Over the years, many of you have participated in planning efforts to define your community’s vision for its transportation future.  We’d like to engage you in a detailed conversation about how those resources might be prioritized if Vermont moves forward with this effort.


More details about the Transportation and Climate Initiative can be found here.


CVRPC will be hosting the meeting for our region at the Steele Community Room in the Waterbury Municipal Office Building on September 6th beginning at 9:00 am. 
