Summit on the Future of Vermont’s Working Landscape, Dec. 17th

The 2013 Summit on the Future of Vermont’s Working Landscape is designed to bring all parties and partners together, build unity and momentum, and identify the next steps that will advance public policy and investment to support the long-term future of the Working Landscape of Vermont.  Register now >>

Registration Fee: $30
When: Tuesday, December 17, 2013, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM EST Add to Calendar
Where: Vermont Technical College,  124 Admin Drive, Randolph Center, VT

Farmers, forest products leaders, value-adding entrepreneurs, investors, policy leaders, community residents, and all who care about the future of Vermont’s Working Lands will come together to consider progress that has been made, assess the work ahead, and advance the next steps needed for public policy and investment.

For the schedule of the day and list of panelists and speakers: Download the Agenda (pdf).
