Vermont’s Comprehensive Energy Plan Forum!

Vermont’s Comprehensive Energy Plan: An Update and Action You Can Take
Community energy committee leaders and all invited to attend four fall forums

In October 2011, the state released a long-range Comprehensive Energy Plan (CEP) that outlines a set of strategies for meeting Vermont’s future energy needs. The CEP sets a goal of obtaining 90 percent of the state’s total energy needs in 2050 from renewable resources.

Achieving that necessarily ambitious goal will take all hands on deck and the partnership of Vermonters.

To this end, the Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network, the Vermont Natural Resources Council and regional planning commissions, in partnership with the Vermont Department of Public Service and the Vermont Climate Cabinet, are hosting a series of four forums across Vermont this fall to highlight the CEP and advance implementation strategies.

The goals of the forums are to:

  • Update Vermonters on the progress that has been made over the past year in implementing the goals of the Comprehensive Energy Plan.
  • Solicit guidance and input from participants on current and proposed implementation strategies.
  • Offer concrete projects that grassroots leaders, key stakeholders, and interested Vermonters can undertake to help achieve the goals of the CEP.

Please save the date and plan to join the conversation at one of the following locations:

  • October 25 — Colchester — Colchester High School Cafeteria — 6-9 p.m. Co-hosted by the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and Northwest Regional Planning Commission.
  • November 1 — Rutland — Rutland Free Library — 6-9 p.m. Co-hosted by the Rutland Regional Planning Commission, Addison County Regional Planning Commission and Bennington County Regional Commission.
  • November 5 — Windsor High School Auditorium— 6-9 p.m. Co-hosted by the Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission, the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission and Windham Regional Commission.
  • November 15 — National Life in Montpelier — 6-9 p.m. Co-hosted by the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, Lamoille County Planning Commission and the Northeastern Vermont Development Association.

For more information contact: Johanna Miller, VNRC Energy Program Director & VECAN Coordinator at 802-223-2328 ext. 112 or
