Village Center Designation Application Revamped!

The Community Planning and Revitalization team has updated the Village Center Designation Application Guidelines (and attached) to be more user-friendly and accessible. We hope you find the new document helpful and share it with your local municipalities to improve the village center designation application process. Please note there are a few small changes to the requirements that will improve the application and review process with the Downtown Board.

Please share with your staff who are involved in the program and local municipalities who are designated or considering designation. We look forward to working with you in getting more of Vermont’s villages designated and revitalized. Please let me know how I can help you further the goal of designating all of our villages across the state.

Special thanks to all who contributed to the document. Thank you in advance for distributing the guidelines and working to preserve and revitalize Vermont’s villages.

Richard Amore, AICP/ASLA │Planning Coordinator
Community Planning and Revitalization
Department of Economic, Housing and Community Development
One National Life Drive North Building, 6th Floor
Montpelier, VT 05620-0501
Phone: (802) 828-5229
Fax: (802) 828-3258
