VTrans now accepting applications for the 2013 Bicycle & Pedestrian Program

VTrans is now soliciting applications for projects this year through the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program. The intent of the VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program is to improve access and safety for bicyclists and/or pedestrians through the planning, design and construction of infrastructure projects.
The Bike/Ped Program provides funding for either the scoping or design/construction of the following facilities:
• Bicycle lanes (on-road facility delineated with pavement markings and signs)
• Shoulders (generally a minimum of 3-feet wide to accommodate bicyclists)
• Sidewalks
• Pedestrian crossing improvements, including medianpedestrian refuge islands
• Pedestrian signals
• Improvements that address requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act
• Shared-use paths (designed for use by both bicyclists and pedestrians)
• Pedestrian-scale lighting (not likely to rank highly as a standalone project, but eligible as a project component)
Projects may be combinations of any of the above facilities.  Projects with the following emphasis will be considered favorably:
• Facilities that address a documented safety concern such as a high crash location
• Connectivity to other bicycle and pedestrian facilities
• Proximity and access to and within village centers and downtown areas
• Facilities that serve multiple uses e.g. access to businesses, residences and schools
For a copy of the VTrans 2013 Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Guide and Application, visit the VTrans website: http://vtrans.vermont.gov/, and look under the Spotlight heading or go to http://vtransengineering.vermont.gov/sections/ltf/bike_ped
You may also obtain a copy or ask any questions about the program or application process by contacting Jon Kaplan by phone at (802)828-0059 or email jon.kaplan@state.vt.us. A Word file of the application form is available by contacting Jon Kaplan as well.
VTrans is conducting a mandatory training for potential applicants on two different dates: Monday June 3rd (1-3 PM) and Wednesday, June 5th (6-8 PM). The training will review the application process and program requirements.  Attendance at these workshops is mandatory for any entity planning to apply this year.
Final and complete applications are due to Jon Kaplan, postmarked or in-hand by July 26, 2013.
