Water Wise Woodlands hosts Caring for you Woods Pancake Breakfast March 30, 2019

Decreasing flooding, caring for woodlands and free pancakes!


Montpelier, VT – On March 7, 2019 the National Weather Service issued its fifth Vermont flood outlook for the 2019 winter/spring season, in short the threat for flooding due to runoff from snowmelt and rainfall is above normal in our region. Vermont is no stranger to the damaging effects of flooding. Many residents of Central Vermont remember the devastating flooding which hit Montpelier in March 1992. And even more recently in 2011. Water Wise Woodlands wants to assist rural landowners in Plainfield, Marshfield and Cabot decrease potential property damages caused by flooding. A free pancake breakfast will be held on March 30, 2019 in Marshfield, foresters will discuss how woodland property owners can care for their woods and decrease flood damages, encourage wildlife, and protect water resources.


The Winooski River valley has experienced several devastating floods though out time. Heading up stream from Plainfield, though Marshfield, the river can be traced back to its source in Cabot. Up in the headwaters small tributaries feed into the main stem. During heavy rain events all these small streams collectively contribute to rising floodwaters downstream. Maintaining trees and woods along all the small tributaries can have a cumulative impact, decreasing overall the amount and force of floodwater.

The connection between forests and flooding may not be initially obvious, but forests and woodlands play a key role in absorbing rainfall and melting snow. Forested areas along streams and rivers can help trap and catch debris which would otherwise block bridges and culverts downstream, and root systems can stabilize banks and prevent or decrease erosion. Whether you have 5 or 500 acres of woodland, property owners can help prevent flood damage and produce one of Vermont’s most important forest products, clean water.


Water Wise Woodlands will be hosting a free Pancake Breakfast on March 30, 2019, from 9 am to 1 pm at Twinfield Union School in Marshfield. Professional foresters and other experts will be on hand to share information about how to care for your woodland, wildlife and protect water resources. Breakfast will be followed by a brief presentation and hands on workshops. Participants can choose to participate in a pruning workshop, a tree identification walk, or learn about the first steps of developing a stewardship or management plan for their property.


Water Wise Woodlands is a partnership project between the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, Friends of the Winooski River and the Vermont Woodlands Association; with funding from the High Meadows Fund.
