Water Wise Woodlands

Whether you have 5 or 500 acres of woodland, you can help prevent flood damage and produce one of Vermont’s most important forest products—clean water! Healthy woodlands can absorb, slow down, and filter rain and storm water. Starting at the waters’ source, woodland owners in the Winooski Headwaters can be good stewards of the landscape, ensuring a healthy environment.
Join fellow woodland owners for a walk in the woods to learn more about forest stewardship activities taking place in the Upper Winooski Watershed.
Saturday October 13, 2018 | Marshfield | 8:30am – noon
Walk through northern hardwood forest being managed as a large-scale maple, beech and birch sugarbush. Meet at Old Schoolhouse Common parking lot at 8:30 am to carpool to the site near the railroad bed.
Contact: Steve Fiske, stevefiskevt@gmail.com
Saturday October 20, 2018 | Cabot | 9:00 am – noon
Walk through fields and forest that are managed for wildlife habitat and as a certified Tree Farm. From Cabot Village, take Danville Hill Rd 1.5 miles to Bermingham Lane (private road on right)
Contact: Gary Gulka, gulka@fairpoint.net
Sunday October 28, 2018 | Plainfield | 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Walk through a 9-acre hardwood forest to learn about what techniques can make a water wise woodland. From village take Brook Road 2.4 miles to property at 2351 Brook Road.
Contact: Clare Rock, rock@cvregion.com.
Rain or Shine
RSVP’s appreciated but not required.
Project partners: Vermont Woodlands Association, Friends of the Winooski River, Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, Winooski Headwaters Community Partnership.
With funding from the High Meadows Fund
