Winooski NRCD Hosting Required Agricultural Practices Workshop

To assist farmers and the public in understanding the new Required Agricultural Practices, the Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District is holding a free workshop on the new RAP’s Tuesday February 21 from 10am – noon at the Waterbury Congregational Church.  All are welcome to attend this presentation featuring staff from the VT Agency of Ag and Markets and displays on farmer’s resources and technical assistance provided by local and regional organizations. There will be a Q and A following the presentation. For more information or to request to setup a display please email:  or visit:

WNRCD District Manager, Corrina Parnapy says: “The numbers of small and non-traditional farms are on the rise throughout Vermont, including within the Lake Champlain Basin. With the increased regulatory focus on phosphorus reduction to meet the requirements of the phosphorus TMDL and the Required Agricultural Practices (RAP’s), it is essential that all farmers understand not only the regulations that will be required of them, but that they acquire knowledge on the most successful Best Management Practices (BMPs) that protect water quality and achieve phosphorus reductions We at the Conservation District are here to help.”

The Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District is one of 14 conservation districts throughout Vermont. It encompasses all of Chittenden and Washington County as well as parts of Orange County (Orange, Williamstown and Washington). The district relies on grants and individual donations to complete its conservation work. The WNRCD focuses its resources on completing conservation projects within the areas of agricultural assistance, forestland enhancement, urban conservation and watershed stewardship.
