Wrightsville Beach Facility 25 Years Old!

Wrightsville Beach Turns 25

For the last 25 years Wrightsville Beach has been providing a low cost, high quality and now diverse recreational experience for residents of its member communities (Montpelier, East Montpelier, Middlesex, and Worcester) and the Central Vermont Region. The beach facilities are widely used and appreciated by families, community groups, and visitors.

The 2010 season witnessed record attendance and revenues for the Beach thanks to great weather, improved grounds and facilities, and more recreational options. The Wrightsville Beach Recreation District, which operates the beach facility with assistance from Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, continues its popular canoe and kayak rentals, improved and expanded hiking trails, 13 holes of disk golf, and attends to its ambitious maintenance program. During the 2010 season, the District hosted the first ever Wrightsville Beach Disk Golf Tournament, the 2nd annual Green Mountain Water Skiers Tournament, and the 6th annual “Beach Party for Charity.”

As Wrightsville Beach celebrates its 25th anniversary, one wonders what the future may hold for the Beach and the surrounding Wrightsville reservoir. Check our web site at www.wrightsvillebeachvt.com for more information, and thanks for another great season.
