CVRPC at U32 Green Fest: May 15

photo2CVRPC staff members Stephanie, Dan, and Amelia, attended the second annual U32 High School Green Fest, which was held on May 15. Sponsored by faculty member Michael Horowitz and a dedicated group of environmentally minded students (the “Green Team”), the Green Fest is a chance for students, faculty, and staff to celebrate all that they do to lessen the school’s impact on the environment and learn about the similar efforts of businesses and organizations in the community. A variety of different community members tabled in the school’s atrium and held workshops throughout the day. Dan took a group of over 20 students to the disc golf course to teach them about Geographic Positioning Systems (GPS). Some students even had the opportunity to try plotting points on the hand-held GPS that could aid in future mapping.

In the atrium, Stephanie and Amelia had a table set up, including a poster explaining what CVRPC doeswhy we plan regionally, the purpose of Plan Central Vermont, and some potential topics for the Environment and Natural Resources Element of the Plan. Staff also promoted Way to Go! Week and had the interactive Community Input Map on display. Students were able to place stickers as markers and make comments on a large print out map of the Region. General comments included requests for a larger network of bike paths, more public transportation options, and increased park and garden space in the Central Vermont Region.

The specific comments that were made have been uploaded to the Community Input Map. CVRPC staff distributed Plan Central Vermont brochures and Community Input Map how-to sheets, in hopes that more Green Fest attendees will use the interactive feature on our website to provide additional comments and continue to participate in the planning process.

To view the comments from yesterday’s Green Fest and add your own, please click here.
