Orange Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Final Comment Period

The Town of Orange has been in the process of updating the local hazard mitigation plan and a draft is available for public review and comment.  The Town of Orange, 2023 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan is developed to recognize the hazards facing the community and identify strategies  to reduce risks from these acknowledge hazards thereby reducing the loss of life and property during times of hazardous events.  Having a local hazard mitigation plan allows Orange to access state hazard mitigation grant funds and federal relief assistance for specific mitigation projects designed to reduce and/or eliminate vulnerabilities resulting from the occurrence of disaster events. Work under this plan update process is supported by the CVRPC and funded by a grant award under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.

Congratulations to the Orange Hazard Mitigation Planning Team who have persevered despite significant delays due to ongoing disaster response & recovery efforts throughout the planning process as well as turnover at the local, regional, and state levels. These conditions certainly underscored the importance of community leadership and lead to deep engagement with relevant hazard mitigation as well as climate adaptation, response and recovery actions, at the local level. Any last comments received during this final review process will be considered for inclusion into the plan at the public meeting held by the Planning Commission May 8th Meeting. The Selectboard will consider adopting the plan pending final discussion at their May Meeting. The adopted plan and certificate of adoption will be sent to VEM and then FEMA and upon their review, FEMA will issue a formal Letter of Approval.  The plan will be effective for five years from the date of FEMA approval at which time the plan will need to be updated and adopted again.

Congratulations to the local planning team and please share feedback with Sam Lash via, directly with the Ginny the Town Clerk, or at the May 8th Planning Commission Meeting.
