See the Redevelopment Concepts for Northfield Village and Share Your Thoughts

The Town of Northfield is currently working with consultants and several village property owners to plan for redevelopment of two important village sites.  They are Freightyard Way and East Street and the Mayo Building/Northfield Savings Bank Block.  Last week conceptual redevelopment ideas were presented to the community at Northfield Night on The Common, hosted by the Town and the Northfield Community Development Network.  If you missed the event, you can view the concepts here:

Northfield Area Wide Plan Draft Conceptual Redevelopment Plan

Perspective Views of the Conceptual Plan Areas

Email comments may be sent to Project Planner, Carolyn Radisch, with Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. at The redevelopment concepts are also on display at the Town Offices.  Please stop by to see them and leave your comments!

Redevelopment planning for these two parcels is part of a Brownfield’s Area Wide Plan that studied key former industrial or commercial sites in Northfield Village.  The goal of the planning process is to identify community and market-supported reuses for two key village sites, and create a plan for implementing site redevelopment.  The project is being carried out in partnership with the Vermont Dept. of Environmental Conservation, the Vermont Agency of Commerce & Community Development and the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission.
