Blog & Events

June Forums to Focus on State Comprehensive Energy Plan Update

May 11, 2011

June Forums to Focus on State Comprehensive Energy Plan Update ***Your input is needed!*** Goal: Comprehensive Energy Plan to be Completed & on Governor’s desk by Oct 15; Implementation of VT’s Energy Plan is the central piece of this work! Community energy committee leaders, planners and the general public are all invited to attend one […]

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Northfield Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

May 3, 2011

Northfield’s Hazard Mitigation Plan is currently being updated and available for review and comments. Please contact Jennifer at if you would like to review and make comments.

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Build Your Best Future–Heart and Soul Community Planning

April 20, 2011

Build Your Best Future Submit a Heart & Soul Community Planning Proposal Are you looking for a way to help your community realize its potential and create a better future? Orton has issued a Request for Proposals seeking four Heart & Soul Community Planning project towns in the Northeast and Rocky Mountains. Selected towns will […]

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Lcoal Food System Presentation, Waitsfield

Local Food System Presentation 5/10 – 7 PM Big Picture – How can Vermont build strong local and regional food systems, create jobs in the foodand farm economy, and improve access to healthy local food? The VermontSustainable Jobs Fund has laid out an impressive road map for the next 10years of agricultural development with the […]

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Woodland Landowner Summit

Woodland Landowner Summit 4/30/2011 Fairlee – The VT Dept. of Forests Parks & Recreation and VNRC are cosponsoring a daylong summit entitledKeeping Forests for the Future: Planning a Legacy for your Woodland atLake Morey Inn. The day will be packed with useful information for bothlandowners and professionals who work with landowners to learn about waysto […]

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Historic Preservation and Downtown Conference April 29, 2011

This year the VT Division for Historic Preservation will be combining its two statewide conferences into one, providing three specific education tracks:The Historic Track will be of interest to Historical Societies, Bywaycommunities, heritage tourism groups, to those interested in history andhistoric preservation, and to those wanting to learn more about Poultney. TheStreets as Places Track […]

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Hazard Mitigation Drafts Available for Comment and Review

April 6, 2011

Roxbury and Worcester are updating their Hazard Mitigation Plans. Draft copies are available for review and comment through CVRPC. Please contact Jen at if you would like to review and submit comments for these draft plans before they are reviewed by VEM and FEMA.

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March 10, 2011

GMTA TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN PUBLIC HEARINGS The Green Mountain Transit Agency (GMTA) and Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission (CVRPC) will be holding public hearings to receive comments on the Transit Development Plan (TDP) which addresses the future of GMTA services. Each meeting is open to the general public, on GMTA bus routes and ADA accessible. […]

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FEMA/VEM Pre Disaster Mitigation Workshop

March 3, 2011

Vermont Emergency Management (VEM) and FEMA Region 1 will be conducting a comprehensive Local Mitigation Planning Workshop at VEM’s temporary offices in Waterbury on Wednesday, March 23. Please mark your calendars accordingly. The training will be held from 9 AM to 4 PM in VEM’s temporary Emergency Operations Center, located in the lower level of […]

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Central Vermont Energy Program

February 25, 2011

CVRPC has received notification from the U.S. Department of Energy that the weatherization funds in the CVRPC energy grant have been released. Local officials of the towns participating in the Central VT Energy Program have been notified that these funds are available for the work on municipal buildings as recommended in the energy audits done […]

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