Blog & Events

Planning Volunteers Workshop, VT Law School

March 8, 2010

June 18-19, 2010 Development Review Volunteers’ Summer RetreatSpeakers and Workshops (under construction) Keynote Speakers: Prof. Marc Mihaly Friday eveningProf. John Echeverria Saturday morningProf. Sean Nolon Saturday lunch Workshops: (aimed at timely topics, leadership building, skills, best practices…) These are aimed for development review volunteers who are leaders in their municipalities, and so should be highly […]

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Municipal Planning Grants Apps due April 30, 2010

February 26, 2010

Municipal Planning Grants (MPGs) will be offered again this year. MPG funds provide assistance for town planning and implementation. Information about the program is available online at: may apply for any amount up to $15,000 for single applications or up to $25,000 for multi-town (consortia) projects. No local match is required. Approximately $250,000 is […]

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FY 2010 Municipal Planning Grants Funded

February 23, 2010

Apparently, the FY 10 State budget adjustment bill as passed by the Vermont Legislature includes $250,000 in funding for municipal planning grants for this current fiscal year. The Agency of Commerce and Community Development will be sending notices seeking grant applications. The deadline for applying will be April 30, 2010. If you have a need […]

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Muncipal Bonds available; reduced interest rate

February 17, 2010

Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds The Vermont Municipal Bond Bank (VMBB) has received authority from theState of Vermont to issue up to $90.0 million in Recovery Zone EconomicDevelopment Bonds (RZEDBs) in 2010. RZEDBs are a category of Build America Bonds (BABs), used to fundpublic infrastructure, facilities and equipment in “recovery zones”. Theentire State of Vermont […]

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Central Vermont Energy Program

February 16, 2010

Central Vermont Energy Program Background The Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission has received economic stimulus funding to assist municipalities and the Washington County Court House with implementing energy efficiency measures. CVRPC has funds available to perform energy and lighting audits on municipally-owned buildings and potentially will have funds available to undertake subsequent weatherization measures identified […]

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Request for Proposals for Municipal Energy Audits

Request for Proposals—Energy Audits Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission is seeking consulting services to conduct detailed energy and lighting audits of municipal buildings within the 20 Washington County towns and the Towns of Washington, Williamstown and Orange in Orange County, and including the Washington County Courthouse in Montpelier. Proposals are due March 5, 2010. For […]

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Safe Routes to School Applications

February 9, 2010

Please check the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) website for the Infrastructure Grant announcement and take a look at the Safe Routes to School application. There is a notice of intent that is required for this year’s process. Please contact Aimee Pope at VTrans, 828-5799, with questions. Here is the link to the VTrans web […]

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JAM golf case update

February 5, 2010

The Environmental Court recently issued a new ruling in the JAM Golf case on whether certain regulatory provisions in South Burlington’s 2003 regulations are sufficiently specific to guide a development review board’s decision-making. The decision is available at: This and similar cases will be among the topics of discussion at the Vermont Planners Association’s spring […]

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Energy Grant Signed; Municipal Bldg Audits coming soon

February 2, 2010

Department of Energy ARRA grant: CVRPC today signed the agreement with the Department of Energy for the ARRA stimulus funding for municipal building audits. CVRPC will now prepare a RFP for energy audit firms and will keep the municipalities informed of the status. We anticipate that the selected firm(s) will contact municipal officials directly to […]

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Municipal Education Grants

January 22, 2010

Applications for the FY10 Municipal Education Grants (MEGs) will be accepted any time until May 15, 2010 or until available funding runs out, whichever occurs first. MEGs offer up to $800 reimbursement for on-site training of local volunteer officials dealing with land use planning and regulation, including all-boards training. The MEG Program Description and the […]

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