Blog & Events

2010 Census is Coming!

May 8, 2009

Beginning this month, U.S. Census employees will visit every community in preparation for the 2010 census. By visiting addresses in every community, the Census Bureau will know where to send questionnaires and enumerators in 2010. Using hand-held computers, Census employees will walk through communities to identify the location of every housing unit. This helps the […]

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Way to Go! Commuter Challenge—Kick-off this Friday, May 1, 11:00 a.m.

April 29, 2009

REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN, until May 8th close of business to sign-up for the sixth annual Way to Go! Commuter Challenge, May 4-8. This event encourages the use of cheaper, healthier, and more earth-friendly transportation alternatives to driving alone. Everyone who commits to walk, bike, telecommute, carpool, take the bus or use an alternative to […]

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Access Management

To: Town Staff & RepresentativesFrom: Steve Gladczuk, Senior Transportation PlannerDate: 4/29/09Re: Access Management VTrans has developed a Access Management Outreach Program to educate town officials, developers, businesses, and the general public on the benefits of Access Management. These benefits include improving safety, preserving highway capacity, and integrating land use adjacent to State and Class 1 […]

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DFIRM maps June 15, 2009!

April 24, 2009

It appears that we are now back on track for a Revised Preliminary Washington County Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM). FEMA is now anticipating a release of the maps on 6/15/09, followed by Community Coordination Meetings on Tuesday 6/30/09. The Revised Preliminary DFIRM will incorporate three key changes: Stevens Branch in Barre Town, Barre […]

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Energy and Senate bill 54

April 23, 2009

Today, April 23, on “Relocalizing Vermont” on WGDR 91.1 FM, Carl Eitner of “Relocalizing Vermont Productions” will be exploring a potential new way for municipalities to help their residents and businesses obtain more favorable financing (lower interest rates, longer-term loans) for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. I’ll play an interview with bill sponsor Ginny […]

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NFIP, Flood Hazard Maps, DFIRMS

April 21, 2009

The lastest news from the VT Department of Environmental Conservation is that the Washington County DFIRM maps for floodplain delineation and NFIP regulations are due to be released June 15, 2009. These will be the preliminary maps on which final community coordination meetings will be held, as it looks now, on June 30. More information […]

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Census 2010

April 16, 2009

The Census Bureau announced that it will be starting addressing canvasing during the week of April 20 and continuing through July 2. Census employees will be visiting each housing unit to verify the address and GPS the location coordinates. They will knock on doors to introduce themselves and tell the homeowner what they are doing […]

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Brownfields Update and Site Visit

Two Barre City granite sheds are currently enrolled in the RPC’s brownfields assessment initiative. Brownfields are abandoned or underutilized sites who’s redevelopment may be complicated by the presence of real or perceived contamination. With funding from the US EPA the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission’s brownfields assessment initiatives offers financial assistance to help get these […]

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Census 2010 Address Canvassing: Coming to Your Neighborhood

On April 20, 2009, U.S. Census employees will begin visiting every community in Vermont during the first major field activity in preparation for the 2010 Census. What is Address Canvassing? By visiting living quarters in every community, the Census Bureau will know where to send questionnaires and enumerators in 2010. Using hand-held computers, Census employees […]

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The Census: A Snapshot

What: The census is a count of everyone residing in the United States. Who: All U.S. residents must be counted— both citizens and non-citizens. When: Census Day is April 1, 2010. Why: The U.S. Constitution requires a national census once every 10 years. The census will show state population counts and determine representation in the […]

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