Blog & Events

Energy Stimulus Funds, ARRA Information for Vermont

July 6, 2009

State Energy Program Vermont’s application for $21,999,000 in ARRA funding for renewable energy and energy efficiency program was submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on May 12, 2009. Once the application has been approved by DOE, the state should be able to access up to 50% of the funds; the remaining 50% will […]

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Municipal Planning Grants–Apps Due 9/30/09

June 22, 2009

Funding is available through the Municipal Planning Grants (MPG) for September 2009. The total funding for MPGs was reduced from $800,000 available in previous years to $408,700 for fiscal year 2010 (September 2009). Key Dates are: Applications due: September 30, 2009RPC Confirmation of Municipal Planning Process: September 30, 2009Award Decision: November, 2009Project Completion Date: May […]

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DFIRM’s, FEMA, NFIP, Getting Closer!

June 18, 2009

Now that I’ve used all the acronyms, we’ll get to the heart of the matter. The Washington County DFIRMS are considered to be final unless there is some really glaring line error and even then it would take hiring an engineer to get the line changed on the DFIRM. So, for all intents and purposes, […]

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2010 Census Dates

June 11, 2009

Following are some key dates relating to the 2010 Census: April to June 2009–Census employees go door to door to update address lists;Fall 2009 — Recruitment begins for local census jobs for 2010 Census operations;February to March 2010— Census questionnaires are mailed or delivered to households;April 2010— Residents fill out and return Census questionnaires;April to […]

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Disaster Response & Recovery for Road Crews

June 9, 2009

Vermont Local Roads is hosting “Disaster Response & Recovery for Road Crews” workshops at various locations through out the State. The workshops are intended to familiarize road crews with likely issues on planning for and responding to road damage from natural disasters so that you can avoid common paperwork mistakes, understand the federal disaster response […]

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Pre-Disaster Mitigation Competitive (PDM-C) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)

June 1, 2009

FEMA’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation Competitive (PDM-C) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant programs for FY 2010 will provide funds to states, territories, Federal and State-recognized Native American (Indian) tribes, communities, colleges and universities for pre-disaster mitigation planning and the implementation of cost-effective mitigation projects prior to a disaster event. The purpose of these grant programs is […]

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Density and Design for Small Communities

SAVE THE DATE for the Vermont Planners Association Fall Conference! This year it will be held on October 16, 2009 at the ALL SOULS INTERFAITH GATHERING CENTER right on the shore of Lake Champlain in Shelburne, VT. The focus will be on Density and Design for Small Communities with speakers and panelists to be announced. […]

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DFIRM update June 2009

Late-breaking news! The Washington County DFIRM maps should become effective in September 2010. HOWEVER, it is Vermont’s Flood Plain Management-River Management Program’s goal for all towns to have adopted flood hazard area regulations (FHAR) by the end of MARCH 2010 thereby preventing a “flood” of regs for approval by FEMA in September. The FHAR’s will […]

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Composting is Cool

May 19, 2009

At the April Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission’s monthly Commission meeting, Buzz Ferver of the Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) discussed all the benefits of compost, the need for community scale composting operations and the latest development in legislation related to composting. According to CAV’s website “the Composting Association of Vermont supports and promotes organics […]

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2009 Housing & Wages Report

The latest “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Housing and Wages in Vermont” in now available.According to the April 28 press release distributed by John Fairbanks, VHFA, this year’s report found: The median purchase price of a home in Vermont has remained stable in the last year, at $200,000. A Vermont household would need […]

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