Site Assessment & Clean-Up Process

Site Assessment: Assessment of a brownfields site is often undertaken in two phases. A phase I environmental site assessment determines the historical uses of the property and the likelihood of contamination. Information from a phase I assessment is used to plan a phase II environmental site assessment, which includes testing the property’s soil, water, and/or air. This information is used to determine cleanup options and develop a corrective action plan.

Site Cleanup: Redevelopment projects take planning, public input, and resources. The cost and extent of the cleanup needed may factor into the type of end use that is appropriate for the site. The Brownfields Program does not provide funding for actual cleanup, but can assist the owner in developing the cleanup plans, if necessary, identifying additional funding sources, and providing other technical assistance.

Site Redevelopment: After site assessment activities are completed, some cleanup activities may be folded into site redevelopment activities. With a clear redevelopment plan, brownfields assessment, clean up and redevelopment can be a seamless process.
