Technical Assistance

Land use planning within a region can only be as good as that of its component parts.  As such, assisting its member municipalities is a critical and integral part of CVRPC’s work.

Our staff is available to assist local officials in the development of municipal documents, including town plans and land use regulations (zoning and subdivision bylaws).  As funding and local expertise (and staffing) vary widely from town to town, so does the nature of such assistance. Some towns require step by step guidance, others only the review of documents.  Whatever the needs of the community, we have the experience and expertise to help.

24 VSA Chapter 117, the State’s planning statute, charges regional planning commissions with the review and approval of new town plans.  CVRPC’s reviews are designed to demonstrate compliance with statutory requirements and offer constructive advice.

Here is the Guide and Standards for Municipal Plan Approval – Municipal Plan Approval Guide and Standards

The complete statute is available here –  24 VSA Chapter 117 – Vermont Planning Statutes

Other  services we can provide to municipalities include: providing data and information on a variety of planning related topics, library/clearing house services, providing advice on bylaw interpretation, assisting in the review of development proposals, assistance with grants, and help with special studies or projects.

CVRPC provides direct hands-on help to local officials on a range of activities:

  • development and review of municipal plans, zoning bylaws, subdivision regulations, impact fee ordinances, capital budget plans, and other local planning tools;
  • regional data collection, analysis and interpretation through our roles as a GIS Service Center and a U.S. Census Data Center;
  • professional assistance on local ordinances and bylaw administration;
  • obtaining and administering grant funds for community development, housing, economic development, capital improvements, recreation, conservation, and infrastructure improvements.
