River Corridor Planning

The river corridor planning process involves the integration of fluvial geomorphic assessment data and the goals and objectives of the State and local community to formulate scientifically sound and ecologically beneficial river restoration and conservation projects that will improve water quality and the community’s relationship with the river. Phase 1 Geomorphic Assessments are conducted on a watershed scale using maps, aerial photos, and observations of the river from roads and bridges. This phase identifies river reaches where further study is warranted. Phase 2 assessments are based on data collected in the river and analyses of these data using the principles of fluvial geomorphology. The river corridor plan uses the results of the phase 1 and phase 2 assessments to identify potential restoration projects.

Our Region has the following river corridor plans available

Mid-Winooski River (Waterbury) River Corridor Plan

Upper Winooski River Phase 2 Stream Geomorphic Assessment

Upper Winooski River (Cabot) Phase 2 Stream Geomorphic Assessment

Upper Winooski (Cabot) River Corridor Plan

Upper Winooski River (Marshfield) River Corridor Plan

Upper Winooski River (Plainfield to Montpelier) River Corridor Plan

Great Brook River Corridor Plan

Stevens Branch Stream Geomorphic Assessment

Stevens & Jail Branch River Corridor Plan

North Branch Winooski River Corridor Plan

Mad River Fluvial Geomorphology Assessment

Mad River Headwaters Phase 2 Geomorphic Assessment

Upper Mad River Corridor Plan

Mad River Moretown River Corridor Plan

Little River Corridor Plan

Kingsbury Branch River Corridor Plan

Pekin Brook Corridor Plan

Dog River Corridor Plan
