Regional Plan

CVRPC’s comprehensive Regional Plan is used to guide growth and development in the Region. The Plan is useful to local communities as a resource in the preparation of local plans, and is also used in the Act 250 and Section 248 review processes to evaluate major land use developments and subdivisions.

2025 Regional Plan Update

2024 Regional Plan Readoption

On July 9, 2024, the CVRPC Board of Commissioners moved to readopt the 2016 Regional Plan. This step was taken to allow staff an additional 12-18 months to work with our Regional Plan Committee, Board of Directors and member communities to development a new regional plan. By readopting the current plan, CVRPC ensures continuity in regional planning efforts while providing staff with the necessary flexibility to craft a comprehensive and well-informed new plan.

The following public notice process was followed per 24 V.S.A. § 4348.

April 9, 2024: Staff presented the draft Regional Plan Assessment Report and appendices to the full Board of Commissions and requested action by the Board to accept the Regional Plan Committee recommendation for readoption.

April 11, 2024: The regional Plan Assessment Report, appendices and Regional Plan were distributed to all required parties with a request for comments and the two public hearings were warned.

April 12, 2024: 1st Public Hearing notification ran in the Times Argus.

May 14, 2024: The first public hearing was held. Staff provided a presentation on the Regional Plan Assessment Report and appendices and members of the public were invited to provide testimony.

June 5, 2024: 2nd Public Hearing notification ran in the Times Argus.

July 9, 2024: CVRPC held second hearing; members of the public were invited to provide testimony. The Board of Commissioners moved to readopt the Regional Plan and the Regional Plan Assessment Report.

July 9, 2024: the plan becomes effective.

Per 24 V.S.A. § 4348b, as part of the readoption process, CVRPC has developed a plan assessment report (see below). The CVRPC Regional Plan Assessment Report will address the following five criteria:
1. The extent to which the plan has been implemented since adoption;
2. An evaluation of the goals and policies and any amendments necessary due to changing conditions of the region;
3. An evaluation of the land use element and any amendments necessary to reflect changes in land use within the region or changes to regional goals and policies;
4. Priorities for implementation in the next five years; and
5. Updates to information and data necessary to support goals and policies.

2016 CVRPC Regional Plan Readoption and Readoption Assessment Report and Appendices

2016 Regional Plan

On June 12, 2018, CVRPC’s Board of Commissioners adopted amendments to the Regional Plan. This adopted Regional Plan became effective on July 17, 2018.  The adopted amendments included:  Updated language to address Act 171 – Forest Integrity; Updated Energy Element to include reference to the Regional Energy Plan; and Inclusion of the Regional Energy Plan as Appendix A-7.

On October 13, 2020 the CVRPC Board of Commissioners again adopted amendments to the 2016 Central Vermont Regional Plan.  The amendments include a revision is to the Regional Center boundary around the City of Montpelier as it appears on the Future Land Use Map and removal of the housing distribution plan.

2016 Central Vermont Regional Plan as amended October 2020

2016 Central Vermont Regional Plan

2016 CVRPC Regional Plan with Proposed Amendment Jan 2020

Proposed Amendment Section Only – Jan 2020 with mark-up

2016 CVRPC Regional Plan with Amendment Adopted October 2020

2016 CVRPC Regional Plan with Amendment Adopted November 2020

Regional Plan Committee

The Regional Plan Committee develops and recommends updates to the Regional Plan.  They meet the first Tuesday of every month at 4:00 pm.  Committee Members include the following:

  • Alice Peal, Waitsfield Alternate
  • Alice Farrell, Barre Town
  • Mike Miller, Montpelier Alternate
  • John Brabant, Calais
  • Doug Greason, Waterbury

Regional Plan Committee Rules of Procedure

Regional Plan Committee Minutes & Agendas
