Municipal Energy Planning Resources

The Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission (CVRPC) has funds to assist municipalities with writing municipal energy plans.  The CVRPC also will provide energy use data and maps of potential energy resources to all member municipalities regardless of whether the municipality chooses to pursue writing an energy plan.

Act 174 establishes a set of optional municipal and regional energy planning standards. The standards will be used by the Department of Public Service to make determinations as to whether regional and municipal plans are consistent with state energy policy. Communities that decide to draft energy plans will have their plans reviewed using the standards. Communities that meet the standards will receive substantial deference for land conservation measures and specific policies when the Public Service Board considers orderly development in its review of energy siting applications.

The “determination standards for energy compliance” are a checklist-based application that will be used to determine if a regional or municipal plan is consistent with the requirements of statute. Plans must be consistent with state energy policy including: greenhouse gas reduction goals, renewable energy goals, building efficiency goals and efficiency and renewable energy generation goals.

Municipal Energy Data & Maps

Listed below are towns links to current and future energy use data and targets, and energy resource and constraint maps. This data and maps can be used to ensure compliance with the requirements of Act 174 and “Enhanced Energy Planning” (24 V.S.A. 4352).  CVPRC staff is available to provide an overview of the data and maps and methodology and answer questions.

General information and methodology regarding the municipal data can be found below. Please use the following documents as references when reviewing the municipal data and maps:

Energy Mapping Constraint and Resource Definitions

Municipal Breakout Guide


Each municipality’s data and maps can be found by clicking the links below.

Barre City  | Barre Town  |  Berlin  |  Cabot |  Calais  |  Duxbury

East Montpelier  | Fayston |  Marshfield |  Middlesex  |  Montpelier

Moretown |  Northfield  |  Orange|  Plainfield  |  Roxbury  |  Waitsfield

Warren |  Washington  | Waterbury  |  Williamstown |  Woodbury  |  Worcester

Municipal Presentations:



Vermont Act 174 2016  Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont | The “Energy Development Improvement Act” establishes a set of regional and municipal energy standards with the purpose of making efficient use of energy, provide for the development of renewable energy resources, and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

Energy Planning Standards and Act 174 Overview 2016
Developed by the Vermont Department of Public Service

Energy Planning Standards for Municipal Plans 2016
Developed by the Vermont Department of Public Service

Municipal Energy Standards – Abridged 2016
Developed by the Vermont Department of Public Service

Municipal Guidance for Energy Planning Standards
March 2017
Developed by the Vermont Department of Public Service

Act 174 FAQs 2016
Developed by the Northwest Vermont Regional Planning Commission

Municipal Energy Standards / Act 174 Training PowerPoint 12.14.16
Presentation given by the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission at the Municipal Energy Standards Training on 12/14/16.

TRORC Act 174 Energy Planning Standards Training & Information Session
Taped Two Rivers Ottauquechee Planning Commission’s Act 174 training. | This training was very similar in format and information to that hosted by CVRPC on 12/14/16. For those not able to attend the training, watching this taped training provides the same information. 
